Sunday, November 18, 2012

Creating Clouds

In Science we’re studying weather. On Friday we learned about the different types of clouds.  Students then had an opportunity to choose a cumulus, stratus, or cirrus cloud and create it on construction paper with shaving cream and glue. Then they had to list some of the characteristics of the cloud that they chose. They had a blast!


Main Idea: Pizza Picnic

One of the skills we have been working on is Main Idea and Supporting Detail. To help them better understand this concept we had a “Pizza Picnic.”  We discussed how the main idea (most important part of the story) was like a pizza crust.  The ingredients that went onto the crust (sauce, cheese, and pepperoni’s) were like the supporting details.  We read a story and used our ingredients to help picks out the main idea and details then we dug in and enjoyed our yummy pizza picnic!

Pumpkin Bag Book Reports

These are the AMAZING pumpkins from our book reports!  They all did such a fabulous job—I was SO proud :)


Scarecrows, and Spiders, and Bats…Oh My!

During the month of October we learned about spiders and bats. We did a fact and opinion activity where the students decided whether each spider leg was a fact or an opinion and glued it to the correct spider. Afterwards, we made spider hats! We read the book “Stellaluna” and created a beginning, middle, end bat. We also read the book “The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything” and acted out all the wiggles and shakes during the story. Afterwards we created our scarecrows. These are some of the pictures from these activities.